Í könnun (Global Public Opinion on the US Presidential Election) sem framkvæmd var í 35 löndum kom í ljós að yfirgnæfandi meirihluti heimsbyggðarinnar hefði viljað sjá Kerry sem forseta Bandaríkjanna frekar en stríðsherrann Bush. Í 30 af 35 löndum var Kerry með mun meiri stuðning. Bush var vinsælli í þrem löndum: Póllandi, Nígeríu og Filippseyjum. Íbúar heimsins fengu hins vegar ekki að kjósa þó stefna Bandaríkjanna hafi gríðarleg áhrif á líf fólks um allan heim.
Helstu niðurstöður
• In 30 countries a plurality or majority preferred to see John Kerry win the US presidential election; in 3 countries George W. Bush was preferred; and in two countries views were evenly balanced.
• On average, Kerry was preferred by a two-to-one margin, including when the countries were weighted for variations in population. Approximately one third said that it made no difference to them who won, or did not answer either way.
• Kerry was more popular in every region of the world and was especially popular among traditional US allies. The only countries in which Bush was more popular were the Philippines, Nigeria, and Poland.
• Asked how the foreign policy of President Bush has affected their feelings toward the US, in 30 countries a majority or plurality said it made them feel “worse,” while in 3 countries more said that it had made them feel “better.” In two countries views were evenly balanced. On average, 53% said it made them worse about the US, while 19% said it made them feel better.
• Negative feelings in response to US foreign policy and support for Kerry were greater among those with higher education and income levels.
Ef íbúar heimsins gætu haft áhrif á kosningar í Bandaríkjunum:
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Nánari upplýsingar:
Global Public Opinion on the US Presidential Election